5-25-21 Hello! A sizable number of chrisad studies have repeatedly documented that wealthier & working patients WITH BETTER INSURANCE absolutely will NO LONGER take off work or school for “just a cleaning”…but ABSOLUTELY WILL POUR INTO YOUR MID-DAY HYGIENE DURING THEIR SUMMER VACATIONS! So we must invite them in & back NOW! We’ve documented remarkable successes by more aggressively marketing to these better patients during their summer holiday. They have been putting off visits to dentists…until NOW…while they are more flexible…OFF WORK & SCHOOL!!
Those who are working…with insurance…visit the dentist around TWICE as often…& spend TWICE as much money. We are targeting these local wealthier, working new & returning patients…who have recent HUGE TAX REFUNDS, LARGER INSURANCE MAXIMUMS…with MORE COMPENSATION TO THE PRACTICE per procedure.
Starting NOW: “Fish” When the BEST “FISH” WILL BITE!
Plan to capture this unique PENT-UP DEMAND, POST-COVID “LOCKDOWN,” SUMMER 2021 BURST of patients. Our upgraded mail marketing will invite patients in & back! With roughly 40% of the public staying away from dental offices until now, this will be one of the greatest summer growth periods we’ve SEEN in our 4+ decades of caring for you!
Make it easy on patients & they will make it easy on you! In most areas, local workers & their children begin summer vacations NOW through mid-June. So we must aggressively reach them RIGHT AWAY! Don’t miss out! Market more when these BIG fish are biting! jc