Learn Firsthand From Honest, Proven, Local & National chrisad Clients…Who WERE Just Like YOU…Who Are NOW Rapidly Growing …& Are Out of the Chair
Dallas ~ Friday, April 16, 8am–5pm
Justin Coke & Mandy Dennis, RDH 7 San Antonio Area Offices
Before chrisad: New Patients = Approx. 70/month Production = Approx. $80,000/month
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad: New Patients = 1,626/month Production = $2,531,975/month
Dr. Sigurd Enoksen 2 Dallas Area Offices
Before chrisad: New Patients = Approx. 50/month Production = Approx. $50,000/month
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad: New Patients = 419/month Production = $981,491/month
Steven Elliott (from Dr. James H. Hajovsky’s office) 1 Houston Area Office
Before chrisad: New Patients = 29/month Production = Approx. $80,000/month
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad: New Patients = 112/month Production = $332,541/month
John Roy Christensen, MS Since 1980: Founder, Owner & CEO of chrisad
John will speak about new Northwestern University/chrisad studies of NEW 2021 patient trends, attitudes, awarenesses, behaviors & preferences…& explain in detail how you can ENJOYABLY use these to your advantage!
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center ~ 1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine
Orlando ~ Friday, April 23, 8am–5pm
Dr. Richard Assing & son, Dr. Brenton Assing 1 Orlando Office
Before chrisad: New Patients = 41/month Production = $204,891/month
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad (since 2015): New Patients = 183/month Production = $677,426/month
Steven Weidler, Manager of Dr. Chuck Smith’s office 4 Southeast U.S. Offices
Before chrisad: New Patients = Approx. 20/month Production = Approx. $50,000/month
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad: New Patients = 2,009/month Production = $1,658,000/month
Dr. Cedric Lewis 2 Honolulu Offices
Before chrisad: 0 patients & $0 production. Both were chrisad scratch offices.
CURRENTLY…& after chrisad: New Patients = 585/month Production = $1,148,624/month
ALSO (per notes above): Mandy Dennis, RDH John Roy Christensen, MS, Founder, Owner & CEO of chrisad